quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2007

Mais sobre Benazir

Christopher Hitchens, na Slate, tem um interessante ponto de vista "do contra" sobre a Benazir, observando que seu maior legado foi a corrupção e a obtenção de armas atômicas para o Paquistão.

Mark Steyn tem uma boa coluna sobre os prós e contras da sua ex-vizinha em Londres.

Indicadores da mudança da mentalidade global são também os comentários sobre a notícia da morte na (quase sempre pró-islâmica) BBC. Os comentários mais votados pelo público são os seguintes:

Added: Thursday, 27 December, 2007, 14:11 GMT 14:11 UK

That's the way politics works with The Religion of Peace.

[murph73], London, United Kingdom

Added: Thursday, 27 December, 2007, 14:16 GMT 14:16 UK

Religion of Peace strikes agaiin.

Isar G

Added: Thursday, 27 December, 2007, 14:16 GMT 14:16 UK

When will these 'moderate' Muslims we keep hearing so much about rise up and demonstrate in the streets against these suicide bombers and other extremists who have 'hijacked' Islam? Why is it the only demonstrations we see are Muslims angry at the West, screaming 'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel'? It is PAST TIME to scream 'Death to Extremists.' Please give us in the rest of the world some hope.

[JenBee], Oxford, Michigan, United States

Added: Thursday, 27 December, 2007, 14:23 GMT 14:23 UK

Quite interesting that India and Pakistan were the same country with the same people. When the people split and two nations were born, democratic Hindu (secular laws) India now flourishes, whereas the democracy-phobic Pakistan with its Islamic citizens has been a total failure.

Now the task for the Muslims and left wingers is to somehow try and blame Israel and America for this.

First Name Last Name

Added: Thursday, 27 December, 2007, 14:16 GMT 14:16 UK

This murder was just a matter time, totally expected from a barbaric, extreme radical society such as this.

Jim Mc, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Há alguns dias atrás, o weblog do Pedro Dória alertava para os perigos do "con

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...


sera verdade?